Professional & Reliable Ship Management Services
High quality crewing and manning in the shipping industry.
About Us
Over 15 Years Of Experience in the Shipping Industry
Legally incorporated in the Philippines, the company was founded by an impressive group of like-minded people with a broad knowledge of and passion for the maritime business, as well as extensive work experience in various types of domestic and international vessels.

Mission Statement
To provide a wide range of excellent and high quality shipping management services in the maritime businesss
Vision Statement
To be a distinctive leader in the global maritime business by maximizing the potentials of onboard and ashore employees and assets in the corporate strategy implementation with the end goal of building up meaningful business connections with stakeholders.
Quality Policy
Our utmost priority is to provide excellent and comprehensive shipping business solutions according to the needs and expectations of our clients, while continuously monitoring our performance for any improvements.
Safety Policy
We promote ongoing assessment of our safety management system to sustain best practice guidance for onboard, shore and office staff and personnel.
Our Services
Our Extensive Range of Ship Management Services
Technical Management
We are constantly communicating with our client’s head office and fleet to provide technical support and updates on the control ship status, performance and operational abilities
Safety Management
All ship vessels under our management are subject to regular and extensive inspections and vetting by independent safety inspectors. This is to ensure strict compliance with IMO ISM, ISPS codes and ISO standards
Vessel Operation
We constantly communicate with the ships’ masters, charterers, brokers, port agents and bunker suppliers, to comply with the vessel’s planned voyage schedule
Crew Management
We recognize that the crew is a key factor in running a smooth and successful operation of any ship. With that in mind, we put emphasis on the careful selection of senior officers with rotation experience on similar ship types within the fleet
Procurement and Logistics
Our transparent and ethical policy ensures that our clients benefit of lowest purchasing prices. Providing a ship with the necessary spares and stores at the right place, time and cost
Our accounting services work with the client’s finance and administration departments to keep track of running costs and expenditures, while maintain control of the vessel’s budget
Accreditation of the Certificates and License

Our Blog
Latest News and Insights

Filipino Seafarer International: Filipinos Maritime Industry Excellence Awards
The international maritime industry has benefitted from Filipinos’ talent, skills, expertise, and hard work. The Philippines is proudly the primary source of sea-based workers

How Ships Survive a Hurricane at Sea
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The Advantages of Hiring Filipino Seafarers
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